Homeopathic Organotherapy Protocols
The following is a list of ailments, symptoms and health conditions that may be effectively treated with homeopathic organotherapy as per the manufacture's recommendations. We're currently working on completing this list, so come back often as we make additions on a weekly basis.
AAcidity -
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036,
Liver Complex 043.
Acute Otitis -
Tympanum Complex 030.
Adynamia -
Hemoglobin Complex 003.
Allergic Asthma -
Diaphragm / Lung Complex 059,
Histaminum Complex 057.
Allergic Bronchitis -
Lung Complex 056,
Histaminum Complex 057,
Bronchial Complex 079.
Allergic Rhinitis -
Nasal Mucose Complex 054,
Histaminum Complex 057.
Allergies -
Histaminum Complex 057.
Alopecia -
Hair Bulb Complex 033.
Amenorrhea -
F.S.H. Complex 064.
Anal Fistula -
Vein Hemorrhoidal Complex 049.
Anal Pruritus -
Vein Hemorrhoidal Complex 049,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Anemia -
Hemoglobin Complex 003.
Angina Pectoris -
Coronary Artery Complex 014.
Anguish -
Rhinencephalon Complex 016,
Cerebral / Bulbinum Complex 022.
Anorexia -
Muscle Complex 029.
Anthelmintic -
Colon / Intestine Complex 040.
Anuria -
Kidney Complex 067.
Anxiety -
Rhinencephalon Complex 016.
Arterial Hypertension -
Artery Complex 046.
Arteriosclerosis -
Aorta Complex 001.
Arthritis -
Femoral Artery Complex 080.
Asthma -
Diaphragm / Lung Complex 059.
Atonic Bladder (a.k.a. Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction) -
Bladder / Sympathetic Complex 012.
Atonic Colon -
Intestine Complex 038,
Liver / Kidney Complex 081.
Atrophic Rhinitis -
Nasal Mucose Complex 054.
BBacterial Rhinitis -
Nasal Mucose Complex 054,
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078.
Basedow Disease (a.k.a. Grave's Disease) -
Thyroid Complex 060,
Cerebral / Bulbinum Complex 022.
Bile Insufficiency -
Biliary Salt Complex 051,
Liver Complex 043.
Biliary Colic -
Biliary Salt Complex 051,
Uterine Complex 073.
Biliary Lithiasis -
Biliary Calculus Complex 050,
Liver Complex 043.
Bladder Inflammation -
Bladder Complex 070.
Bone Tumors -
Bone Whole Complex 007,
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078.
Breast Growth Stimulant -
Mammary Gland Complex 066,
Ovary Complex 069.
Bronchopneumonia -
Lung Complex 056,
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078.
Bronchopulmonary Allergies -
Bronchial Histaminum Complex 058,
Histaminum Complex 057.
Bronchial Asthma -
Diaphragm / Lung Complex 059.
Bronchial Catarrh -
Lung Complex 056,
Bronchial Complex 059.
Bronchitis (Chronic) -
Lung Complex 056.
Bulimia -
Hypothalamus Complex 028.
CCandida Albicans -
Vagina Complex 075.
Canker Sore -
Mucous Buccal Complex 034.
Cardiac Edema -
Heart Complex 044.
Cardiovascular Vitalizer -
Artery / Vein Complex 083.
Cataract -
Retina Complex 032.
Cavities -
Tooth Complex 035,
Bone Whole Complex 007.
Cellulitis -
Hypothalamus Complex 028.
Cerebral Apoplexy -
Aorta Complex 001,
Cerebellum Complex 026.
Cerebral Depletion -
Cerebral Complex 005,
Rhinencephalon Complex 016.
Cerebral Hemorrhage -
Cerebral Artery Complex 020.
Cervical Arteriosus -
Cervical Complex 084.
Cerebral Spinal Disturbances -
Cervical Complex 084,
Vertebra Complex 010.
Cervicitis -
Uterine Complex 073.
Childhood Obesity -
Hypothalamus Complex 028.
Cholecystitis -
Liver Complex 043,
Biliary Salt Complex 051.
Cholesterolemia -
Cholesterol Complex 002,
Liver Complex 043,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Constipation (Chronic) -
Intestine Complex 038,
Cerebral / Bulbinum Complex 022,
Diencephalon Complex 017.
Circulatory Disturbances -
Artery / Vein Complex 083.
Climacteric -
Capillary Tissue Complex 074,
Ovary / Pituitary Complex 065.
Colitis -
Mucous Colon Complex 039.
Congested Ovaries -
Ovary Complex 069.
Coronary Artery Disease -
Coronary Artery Complex 014.
Coryza -
Sinus Mucous Complex 053,
Nasal Mucose Complex 054.
Cough -
Bronchial Complex 079,
Lung Complex 056.
Cryptorchidism -
Testicle / Thymus Complex 076,
Testicle Complex 068.
Cystitis -
Bladder Complex 070.
DDecalcification -
Bone Whole Complex 007.
Delayed Dental Growth -
Tooth Complex 035,
Bone Whole Complex 007.
Demineralization -
Bone Whole Complex 007.
Dental Diseases -
Tooth Complex 035.
Depression - Depression and Stress - Reactive Depression -
Frontal Lobe Complex 024,
Rhinencephalon Complex 016.
Depression (Nervous) -
Frontal Lobe Complex 024,
Rhinencephalon Complex 016,
Diencephalon Complex 017.
Dermatitis -
Skin Complex 031,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Dermatomycosis -
Skin Complex 031,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004,
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078.
Dermatosis (Skin Disease) -
Skin Complex 031,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004,
Diencephalon Complex 017.
Detoxificación -
Liver / Intestine Complex 004,
Liver / Kidney Complex 081.
Digestive Allergies -
Stomach / Doudenum Complex 036,
Histaminum Complex 057.
Digestive Insufficiency -
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036.
Dorsal Arthrosis -
Dorsal Disk Complex 085.
Drainage (General) -
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Duodenitis -
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036,
Cerebral / Bulbinum Complex 022,
Diencephalon Complex 017.
Dysmenorrhea -
Uterine / Isthmus Complex 061,
Ovary Complex 069.
Dyspepsia (Indigestion) -
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036,
Liver Complex 043.
Dyspnea -
Diaphragm / Lung Complex 059.
EEczema (Atopic Dermatitis) -
Skin Complex 031,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Edema -
Liver / Kidney Complex 081,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Emphysema -
Bronchial Histaminum Complex 058,
Diaphragm / Lung Complex 059,
Lung Complex 056.
Encephalitis (Later Phases) -
Cerebral Complex 005.
Endocrine Disorders (Female) -
Ovary Complex 069.
Endometriosis -
Uterine Complex 073.
Enuresis -
Bladder / Sympathetic Complex 012,
Diencephalon Complex 017,
Cerebral / Bulbinum Complex 022.
Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) -
Spongy Tissue Complex 018,
Testicle Complex 068.
FFibromyoma -
Uterine Complex 073,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004,
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078,
Ovary Complex 069.
Flatulence -
Esophagus Complex 037,
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036.
Folliculitis -
Progesterone Complex 062.
Fractures (Broken Bones) -
Bone Whole Complex 007.
Frigidity (Female) -
Uterine / Colon Complex 015.
GGastritis -
Stomach / Doudenum Complex 036,
Diencephalon Complex 017.
Geriatrics -
Connective Tissue Complex 041.
Gingivitis -
Mucous Buccal Complex 034.
Glands -
Glandular Complex 000.
Glandular Blockage In Female Teenagers -
Ovary / Thymus Complex 077,
Ovary Complex 069.
Glandular Blockage In Male Teenagers -
Testicle / Thymus Complex 076,
Testicle Complex 068.
Goiter -
Thyroid Complex 060.
Gonarthrosis -
Knee Joint Complex 009,
Cartilage Complex 006.
Gout -
Cartilage Complex 006,
Liver / Kidney Complex 081.
HHair Loss (or Fragile) -
Hair Bulb Complex 033.
Heart Failure -
Heart Complex 044.
Heart Palpitations -
Heart Complex 044.
Hematuria -
Bladder Complex 070.
Hemorrhoids -
Vein Hemorrhoidal Complex 049.
Hepatic Colic -
Liver Complex 043.
Hepatitis -
Liver / Bile Complex 052.
Hoarseness -
Bronchial Complex 079.
Hormonal Balance (Female) -
Ovary Complex 069.
Hormonal Balance (Male) -
Testicle Complex 074,
Testicle / Thymus Complex 076.
Hot Flashes -
Capillary Tissue Complex 074.
Hyper Folliculitis -
Progesterone Complex 062,
Ovary Complex 069.
Hypertension -
Artery Complex 046.
Hypotension -
Vein / Adrenal Complex 047.
Hysteria -
Thalamus / Diencephalon Complex 023.
IInfertility (Female) -
Ovary Complex 069.
Immune System Booster -
S.R.E. Immune System Complex 078.
Impotence -
Spongy Tissue Complex 018,
Testicle Complex 068.
Inactive Gallbladder -
Biliary Salt Complex 051,
Liver Complex 043.
Intellectual Disability -
Cerebral Cortex Complex 019,
Cerebral Complex 005.
Inter-menstrual Syndrome -
Progesterone Complex 062.
Intestinal Gas -
Esophagus Complex 037,
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036.
JJaundice -
Liver / Bile Complex 052,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Joint Affections -
Cartilage Complex 006.
Juvenile Diabetes -
Pancreas Complex 027.
KKidney Colics -
Kidney Complex 067.
Kidney Failure -
Kidney Complex 067,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Kidney Stones -
Calculi Renali Complex 071,
Kidney Complex 067.
LLiver Diseases -
Liver Complex 043,
Liver / Bile Complex 052.
OOtitis (Chronic and/or External) -
Tympanum Complex 030.
RRhinitis (Allergic, a.k.a. Hey Fever) -
Nasal Mucose Complex 054,
Histaminum Complex 057.
SSeborrhea (Capillary Grease) -
Hair Bulb Complex 033.
Sexual Asthenia (Female) -
Uterine / Colon Complex 015.
Sinusitis (Frontal) -
Sinus Mucous Complex 053,
Liver / Intestine Complex 004.
Spine Disturbances (Dorsal) -
Dorsal Disk Complex 085,
Vertebra Complex 010.
Spine Disturbances (Lumbar) -
Lumbar Disk Complex 086,
Vertebra Complex 010.
TTympanites (a.k.a. Meteorisim) (Chronic) -
Esophagus Complex 037.
UUlcers (Duodenal) -
Stomach / Duodenum Complex 036.
VVascular Dementia -
Artery / Vein Complex 083,
Connective Tissue Complex 041.